Deeply Felt Design
by Michele Grindal
Botanical Scarf Installation
Presented at the Flagship Salon, Eden Prairie, MN.
Felt Vases
Botanical Paper Prints on Wood Panels
Botanical Table Runner on Wool
Mixed Media Piece - "Arizona"
Developed with wool, copper, amber, and wood.
Botanical Table Runner on Wool and Silk
Set of Botanical Paper Prints
Felted Wool Handbag
Felted Scarf on Driftwood
Ice Died Scarves
Beads on Felt Landscapes
North Shore Landscape Trilogy in Felt
Botanical Died Scarves
Botanical Died Scarf
Botanical Scarves with Natural Dies
Nuno Felted Folkloric Scarves
Sculptured Flower in Felt
Assortment of Nuno Felted Mixed-Media Scarves